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Verify Pack Openings

Learn how to independently verify the fairness of any pack opening

At PackDraw, they believe in complete transparency. Every pack opening can be independently verified using PackDraw's verification tools and mathematical functions.

Provable Fairness

Every outcome is verifiable using PackDraw's tools


Check any pack opening yourself

Secure System

Advanced encryption for all operations

How Verification Works

Each pack opening combines three elements to generate a verifiable random outcome: your client seed, PackDraw's server seed, and a nonce. You can verify any result using these values and PackDraw's verification function.

Understanding the Process

Ticket Number
A random number between 1 and 1,000,000 that determines the outcome
Client Seed
A value you can set before opening packs
Server Seed
PackDraw's encrypted seed, revealed after pack opening
A counter that ensures unique results

Verification Function

Use this function to verify any pack opening. You can find the seeds and nonce in your pack opening history.

// Verification function
function verifyPackOpening(clientSeed, serverSeed, nonce) {
  // 1. Combine the seeds and nonce
  const combined = clientSeed + ':' + serverSeed + ':' + nonce
  // 2. Generate SHA-512 hash
  const hash = sha512(combined)
  // 3. Convert to number between 1 and 1,000,000
  const number = BigInt('0x' + hash) % 1000000n + 1n
  return Number(number)

How to Verify

  1. 1. Go to your pack opening history
  2. 2. Note the client seed, server seed, and nonce
  3. 3. Use the verification function above
  4. 4. Compare the result with the pack opening outcome